Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Invid's Guide to the Star Wars Universe: Alien Species #2

I enjoyed doing that last one, and I'm sorely tempted to extend the length of this one based on that, but instead, I'm going to try doing lots of them so that I can just throw them out there periodically.

Let's continue to "ae."

11. Aefan. The only appearance of the Aefan was when a hundred or so of them were conned by a pseudoreligious cult into becoming slaves for an illegal drug processing operation.

Rating: N/A. We just don't know anything about these guys, except that they were short and had orange skin. And they weren't necessarily easily duped-a lot of people fell for that scheme (something I'm sure I'll go into later, but it involved using a certain species' natural telepathy to induce ecstasy-quite devious).

12. Affytechan. Affytechans are some sort of plant people who don't have natural symmetry the way animals do (apparently, each one had a unique arrangement of limbs). There is little information on their normal culture and behavior, but I'm inclined to think that they were rather eager and energetic in general.

This is because a bunch of them were unsuccessfully brainwashed into thinking they were Imperial stormtroopers. It didn't take very well, and the majority of them ran around waving brooms and things as if they were weapons.

Rating: 3/5. As actual aliens, they're pretty poorly developed despite interesting descriptions (and the fact that they apparently all stink is kind of bothersome), but the story that they appeared in was quite funny. (You had to be there.)

13. Aganof. The Aganof are a race of blind centipede worm things that live in caves. They apparently have little to no contact with the outside world. Despite this, they are apparently highly intellectual and deeply philosophical.

Rating: 4/5. Aganof have apparently never appeared in any official fiction, but they are among the ranks of aliens mentioned in role-playing source books. As such, they are actually better fleshed out than most aliens who make extremely brief appearances. That, and they are a brilliant concept.

14. Agee. The Agee had wings, but apparently not all of them could fly. They were panicky creatures.

Rating: 3/5. While the Agee were a very simple, basic story device (panicky characters who tried to flee at the first sign of danger), they did fill the role fairly well. It'd be nice to have more on them than that, but we don't, and it could be and probably will be a long time before we do.

15. Aggoron. "Many Aggoron were traders and... formed part of the thousands of non-Gree... [in] the Gree Enclave." Lost? Well, that's okay. I don't know what to say myself.

Rating: N/A. Being a trader does not a species description make.

16. Agorffi. The Agorffi were apparently large and strong, comparably so to Gamorreans and Wookiees. This made them a frequent target for slavers. Nice.

Rating: 1/5. There's the germ of a good backstory for a species there, but just not enough yet. Sometimes source books are fail, too.

17. Ahra Naffi. "The Ahra Naffi were an ancient species that begat the Qonet, who in turn begat the Qella." This is the whole article on Wookieepedia, not counting references. Don't worry, I'll cover that when I hit the Qs, but it really isn't relevant here.

Rating: 1/5. While the whole historical/archaeological angle thing is interesting, I don't know that it's necessary to make up names for each iteration of a species as it develops, since they usually can't interbreed with other species, now can they?

18. Ailon. The Ailon are a warrior race with extremely ancient warrior traditions, and they believe in rule by the strong, which means they're very loyal to the Galactic Empire. As non-humans, they are held in contempt by the Galactic Empire, who likes to hire them and send them on suicide missions, telling them that they were the only ones who could possibly accomplish them.

Rating: 3/5. While it's a rather grim thing, I have to admit the Ailon appeal to the darker side of my sense of humor. I really rather like the idea of seeing these guys, whose elite had a reputation as being roughly as competent as the infamous Mandalorians, having a novel or two about them written.

19. Aing-Tii. At some point in the past, I mentioned the Aing-Tii, who are a reclusive race whose primary form of contact with the rest of the galaxy is through their warrior monks, Force users who can teleport starships and who spend a lot of their time killing slavers. Like the Aaris (which I mentioned in the first Guide post), they are natives of the Kathol Rift. They actually have quite a bit of backstory compared to a lot of the more obscure aliens of Star Wars, especially considering that, as far as I can tell, there have been almost no named Aing-Tii characters.

Rating: 5/5. The Aing-Tii are pure awesomeness. To top it all off, they were created for The DarkStryder Campaign, which was basically "Lovecraft meets Star Wars" and was contributed to by Timothy Zahn, my favorite Star Wars author. What's not to like about them?

20. Akurian. The Akurians were nicknamed "Snow Demons" because their planet was cold. They were apparently primitive aboriginals whose homeworld got invaded at some point; the Rebels helped them reclaim it.

Rating: 3/5. At least there are pictures of them out there, and they look vaguely interesting.

Some interesting ones this time.

-Signing off.

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