Thursday, December 8, 2011

Invid's Guide to the Star Wars Universe: Alien Species #23

221. Donadi. The Donadi are described as being best-known for their meditation techniques which allowed them to "see deeper meaning in images." This is central to the way the famous Donadi stain-paintings are created.

In other words, they're more likely to come up with something from a Rorschach blot, and sell Rorschach blots as fine art?

Rating: 3/5. There's no accounting for taste, and so I can totally believe that such a thing would exist-I'd be amazed if it doesn't in the real world, actually.

222. Doneers. Doneers are one of several sapient insectoid species known as being excellent shipwrights.

Yes, one of several-there are also the Verpine (who I'll talk about much later) and the Givin (who I'll talk about sooner) are a borderline case.

Rating: 3/5. I like smart bug folks. It's interesting to note that the Doneers are actually only noted as the "superior shipwrights" of their local sector, which at least theoretically sets them apart from the Givin and Verpine. However, they're probably the least original of the three groups (albeit also the most poorly known and the least thoroughly described).

223. Dorandeans. Dorandeans look like bald guys with stupid earlobes.

Rating: 1/5. Go away, Dorandeans. You are unnecessary and unpleasant to gaze upon.

224. Dorneans. The Dorneans are described as "humanoid," an awfully vague descriptor, have "leathery, purple skin," and have quills on their eyebrow ridges and their shoulders. Their facial structure in the provided image remind me of walruses and seals to some degree. Apparently, they were able to maintain independence from the Empire with only a small standing fleet thanks to their long military tradition, which dated back to their time as marine sailors on their homeworld.

Rating: 4/5. Kind of, erm, fillery, at least to some degree, but they're distinct. Also, their independence would make them potentially useful in Empire-era stories.

225. Doruns. Doruns have tentacles where others would have arms and eyestalks capable of independent motion.

...Well of course the eyestalks can move independently, that's kind of the point. If they couldn't, it means somebody tied them together, most likely.

Rating: 2/5. Very basic info, but at least they sound reasonably interesting in appearance.

226. Draags. Draags are large reptilian guys who apparently wear temperature regulation suits on most worlds because of their cold-bloodedness (gack), and whose "aggression, intelligence, and pushiness" result in them being "natural supervisors." Hah. They also are supposedly frequently skilled in the use of blasters (uh... couldn't most species capable of holding blasters potentially be skilled in their use?). They have a rather distinctive and somewhat rotund appearance.

Rating: 3/5. Natural supervisors: Best planet of hats ever. Well, not necessarily, but it ranks.

227. Drach'nam. Drach'nam are reptilians who are known for having a slave consortium.

Another reptilian supervisor race?

Rating: 2/5. I kid, I kid. At least they look kind of cool.

228. Drackmarians. A Drackmarian named Omogg lost a planet to Han Solo in a high-stakes card game.

Of course, the planet was in Imperial territory, and the Imperials didn't recognize her deed...

Rating: 3/5. It's pretty awesome that some random alien happened to have a planet as collateral in what amounted to a poker game. Note that I haven't even mentioned that they "breathe" methane (which is ultimately a goofy old-fashioned science fiction thing that makes no sense).

229. Dractuvians. Dractuvians have red skin, are humanoid, and are fairly primitive.

Rating: 2/5. They're pretty much just there.

230. Dradan. The Dradan were peaceful humanoids who offered refuge to Jedi fugitives after the Clone Wars.

Note the past tense? The Empire killed 'em all in response.

Then, a fallen Jedi of some kind used illusions of them to mess with other people who visited their planet, which apparently had a dark side Force nexus on it.

Rating: 3/5. The Dradan illusions appeared to be primitive, but it's interesting to note that there's no way for us to know if they actually were primitive or not. I think that's interesting.

A very average bunch this week.

-Signing off.

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