Thursday, August 23, 2012

Invid's Guide to the Star Wars Universe: Alien Species (#55)

541. Kedorzhans. Kedorzhans (is that the "zh" that's pronounced like a "j" instead?) are described as "rotund" and "rodent-like." Fat rats, perhaps? Okay, no.

They supposedly tend towards near-blindness because of spending all their time in mines mining. Maybe. They also have very good senses of smell.

Y'know, if you don't work your eyes too hard, dim lighting can be good for them. Overexposure to bright light is more likely to be damaging. And mines can be dusty and clog up your nasal passages. (Never worked in a mine myself, but I have worked in some darned poorly ventilated and extremely dusty environments. I used to get black mucus on bad days, which were all the days I worked the particular job that caused it. Concrete mix dust, if you're wondering.)

Rating: 2/5. Not very interesting, nitpicking aside.

542. Keed. Near-humans from Keedad.

Rating: 2/5. I give them more than I probably should by virtue of them having a fun name and a planet with an even more fun name.

Keedad Keedad Keedad.

543. Keitumites. The Keitumites were members at one time in an alliance called the Keitumite Mutual Military Treaty. They may have been a planetary society instead of a species. We don't know.

Rating: 2/5. Another streak of twos? Anyway, they get the extra merely because they're clearly not political nonentities.

544. Kel Dors, or Kel Dorians. Kel Dors are interesting-looking dudes. (And the occasional dudette, who naturally has an inexplicable bosom despite Kel Dors being very, very non-mammalian.) They were at one time believed to have greater Force sensitivity on average than other races, but this apparently was partly a myth some of their members created. (On the one hand, apparently they made up claims of Force telepathy; on the other hand, apparently predictive visions weren't uncommon.)

Apparently, the Kel Dors could be kinda harsh, putting to death even thieves who only wanted enough to eat.

Rating: 4/5. The whole "most of them appear to be Jedi" thing is a bit annoying, but they're interesting and have potential.

545. Kelrodoans. Apparently, their major appearance was in a story where a very old and somewhat out of place Separatist remnant was trying to cause their world problems, and an Imperial remnant (this was about a decade after the movie era) protected them.

Rating: 2/5. It would have been nice to see more information, but it's always nice to see an inversion of the normal "EMPIRE BAD NOT GOOD" thing. Now let's start seeing inversions of the "SEPARATISTS BAD NOT GOOD" thing, mmkay?

546. Kemlans. Kemlans can recognize their relatives by scent.

Rating: 1/5. Yeah, that's reasonably interesting, but it's also all there is.

547. Kentra. Kentra apparently are flocking winged feline entities. Batcats? Catbats? Batcatcatbats? Catbatbatcats?

Okay, I'll stop.

They apparently are tribal in nature and have ethnic distinctions based on fur pattern; these patterns apparently are partly indicative of their temperaments and physical abilities (which almost suggests that they're slightly divergent subspecies).

They rely upon primitive weapons, preferring melee weapons and also using bow and arrow when necessary.

They apparently take truth as something flexible and mutable, but take honor very doggoned seriously.

How much of their culture was influenced by the Jedi who crashlanded on their planet and taught them things is questionable, but their race name comes from the name of his ship.

Rating: 4/5. They're pretty interesting.

548. Kerestians. Kerestians once had a civilization more advanced than that on Earth today, but climate change pushed them back into a dark age. (Global cooling and an ice age, incidentally, caused by the random cooling of their sun.) They're mostly humanlike in appearance, aside from their eight nostrils on either side of their faces (and the associated lack of a human nose-i.e. they're the relatively common "human but with a head altered by makeup" aliens), which were apparently once crucial to a form of long-ranged communication that atrophied away over time.

They use weapons called "darksticks," which were originally supposed to be lightsabers made of darkness, but were changed to hook-shaped blades of varying sizes. They apparently follow a religion which says that their souls are consigned to a Great Darkness after death, and look at it not as a horrible fate, but an opportunity to battle adversity forever (maybe-it's mildly unclear, but they do look at it as not bad).

In other words, they're kinda hardcore.

Rating: 4/5. That religion thing alone kind of makes them awesome.

549. Kerkoidens. Kerkoidens are ugly, and look evil and scheming. (Actually, in a way that's reminiscent of propaganda imagery of nonwhites in times past. Uncomfortable.) As if we didn't get the point, the named Kerkoiden character is called Loathsom.

Seriously, guys? You're stooping that low?

Rating: 0/5.

550. Keshiri. The Keshiri of Kesh apparently are almost-human in appearance, to the point of being mutually attracted to humans, though being unable to interbreed. They lived on an isolated planet; at some point in the distant past, a Sith spacecraft with a lot of Sith on board crashed there, and the Kesh mistook them for their gods. They eventually realized they weren't, but apparently weren't unhappy to serve these Sith for about five thousand years.

They came back into contact with the galaxy at large when an eldritch abomination who eats Force users showed up and started causing general havoc, and "their" Sith, the "Lost Tribe," were eventually recruited by Luke Skywalker to help fight said monstrosity off. (Incidentally, this eldritch abomination used to be, like, the Celestials'/Force wielders'... maid, or something. Which is kind of funny out of context.)

Rating: 2/5. Modestly interesting, although they're associated with an era of stories I haven't read because I've kind of given up on what lead into them. (I dunno, some of it's almost piqued my interest reading about it; maybe I'll give it a try.) They don't seem terribly interesting beyond their connection to that group of the Sith, though.

-Signing off.

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