Friday, February 11, 2011

Superman Cartoons

Y'know, those ancient Superman cartoons that you can find on cheap DVD/VHS releases or on YouTube have actually aged pretty well, at least in the quality of animation. Sure, it's not super-spectacular or anything, but the way that they drew solid objects is, well... solid. (Look at the buildings, cars, and rocks and things. You don't see 'em drawn like that too much anymore.)

Fun fact: I first saw this cartoon dubbed into German. It wasn't too hard to follow, even though my German learning was frankly pretty questionable. (I'm actually good at German grammar and pronunciation, if for no other reason than because it's actually just like English but simpler and more flexible [yet more rigid-funny how that works], but can't remember more than a peppering of words.)

Anyway, I quite enjoyed and still quite enjoy these old Superman cartoons. And here we have a tribute of sorts to both this cartoon and the probably contemporary Superman serial. (Check out the movie poster on that Wikipedia page.)

(If you don't like the tiny size of the embed, you can always click on it after it starts playing, which will open the video in a new tab or window. That's an awfully huge widescreen for my poor blog.)

This little cartoon is pretty much like one of those old cartoons, but with sharper, more stylized animation. My sister said "Somebody give that guy lots of money."

I must concur. Give that guy a job.

-Signing off.

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