Eversion is one of those games.

The game is considerably trickier, though, than it appears-for one, when you reach certain spots, everything can change, either manually using the X key (the "Evert" command) or automatically in several circumstances. (It's also Nintendo Hard, so it's really mostly for hardcore gamers. That doesn't mean others can't appreciate it.)
And it has nearly driven several people insane. Why? Well, its creator says that it's not for children or people of a nervous disposition. And some have said this is an understatement.
I hate to say any more, aside from pointing out this Let's Play created by Deceased Crab, in which he pretends he's seeing the game for the first time, and... well, let's just say SPOILER: *He plays the role of an H. P. Lovecraft protagonist, pretending he's going insane because the game imitates a gradual descent into insanity.* At any rate, here's an embed of video one.
For me personally, the real gem is QuantumCrayons' Let's Play, though-a genuine blind reaction to the game. Aside from QC's Scottish accent making listening to him more fun, there's the pure genuine reactions he has, which I'm sure I would have had if I had gone into it blind. I hesitate to recommend it merely because it's much longer-14 videos as opposed to 5. (You can so tell Deceased Crab is faking it, especially when he uses a cheat to bypass part of the last level.)
At any rate, the game ought to be good for a chuckle, assuming you can take a mean joke at your expense, and the videos are brilliant. If you don't mind the Nintendo Hard and the insanity inducement factor, well, this may be a good game for you.
-Signing off.
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