Well, I decided it was a bad idea to cram 80 images-even relatively small ones-into a single post, so it has become four posts, which would take up, well, the rest of this week. So, here we are, part one of "Attack of the Slitha Monsters..."
You might want to take a minute to look at the post I did on this series, Skysurfer Strike Force, before you plunge into this, because there was so much stuff that I hardly paid attention to the regular cast, and I can imagine going into it cold might be rough.
We start in Denver, Colorado, where a building is inexplicably sinking underground in what somewhat resembles an earthquake.
Of which these guys are two.
They head out in their airship to Denver, and on their way there, meet the villain Cybron's airship by a huge and rather stupid coincidence; i.e., padding.
Fortunately for him, he regenerates no matter how he gets exploded.
What I really like about Grenader is that he shows no signs of being upset by being exploded all the time; he's rather cheerful about it.
Anyway, this fight accomplishes nothing but embarrassing everyone involved, as Soar Loser pulls Grenader's pin and tosses him into a mountainside, while a couple of the Skysurfers get grabbed by grappling hooks and dragged butt-first for a few miles through the snow. (It was hard to get good screens of that, so I didn't bother.)
They get to Denver, where they investigate in a way that doesn't seem to me to be very bright or clever:
Eh, whatever. Let's move on to the next bit.
Cybron is just chilling in his underwater base, when all of a sudden, these... things show up and attack it.
So of course, it has absolutely everything to do with the plot of the episode, 'cuz that's how this works.
When Cybron's goons defend his base, Lazerette, the smart one, gets kidnapped, and then treated in a horribly sexist fashion.
Except in this episode, she gets smacked around and browbeat by a bunch of ugly, subhuman looking guys.
If you think he looks a bit like a reject from the '80s (this becomes more apparent in a minute), he happens to share a name with Dargon of the Shining Realm, leader of the good Sectaurs from the Sectaur series. I'm generally inclined to think this must be pure coincidence, but there's evidence later on that it might not be (more on that later).
Another of the underground villains is this lady, who has several fairly minor speaking parts but is never referred to by name-for obvious reasons, I like her, though.
Anyway, she talks Dargon into wanting to meet her leader, Cybron, because heroes always fight each other and then team up, while villains always team up and then fight each other. (It's cartoon and comic book LAW. Except that they don't follow it in this show, but more on that later.) Dargon threatens her with a spear, because, y'know, Freudian undertones.
They discover, naturally, that big darned worm monsters are causing the trouble, because, y'know, what other kind of monsters would steal buildings?
Team member Sliced Ice uses her ice sword to shoot ice and freeze the tail of one of the worms, causing it to shatter.
Don't worry about the worm, though-it's pretty durable.
However, while the worm wasn't much affected, the worm's riders (because of course there are riders) decide that these silly flying guys have too much firepower, and that they must retreat.
The worms beat a hasty retreat.
The worms have a big pod that's mounted on them like a saddle, which only occasionally shows signs of being useful in any way.
And there we are, almost a quarter of the screenshots I've taken for this down.
Come back tomorrow, when I go through about the same number, and get all the way to the second episode.
-Signing off.
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