Since that tells you basically nothing, I suppose I'm obligated to continue.
The Space Game is a strategy game with some real time strategy (RTS) and tower defense elements, with the central aspect being gathering resources and building a base.

Your various defenses need to be adapted to the threats you encounter. Pulse lasers can handle most foes pretty easily.

I really had to work at it before I figured out how to survive against these:

It took me a while to figure out that basically the only thing that works well (by which I mean "works at anything other than slowing them down a bit") against the bloody things are missiles (LOTS of missiles), because if they get close, they cut your base to shreds with huge purple lasers. Even your huge lasers don't do that much to them (they can stop one at a time, but especially on this particular level, which by the way is the first place you meet them, you're never facing just one at a time).

I've played another game that both has a lot in common, and a lot that's different about it. (Discussion of such will probably be interesting.) With a little luck, a review for that one will be up next week.
-Signing off.
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