Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Free Antivirus (is not angst-free)

You know what I hate? Free antivirus programs that have misleading renewal notices that make it look like they can only be purchased.

Aside from the fact that a misleading notice like this is probably how these guys make most of their money (i.e. it's scammy), it's very frustrating. If I was willing to pay for the darned thing, I think I would have opted for that a long time ago, guys. I actually got rid of an old antivirus because it gave me one of these notices (and I didn't figure out what was up with it until I had well and truly resolved I was never going to use the program again-it had some problems anyway). I almost decided to do the same thing when its replacement did the same thing, but this time around, I'm going to respond with less annoyance. Mostly.

Of course, I didn't bother blogging about it last time, but when this kind of thing happens repeatedly, you take note.

Frickin' almost-scammers.

-Signing off.

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