Thursday, August 28, 2008

This Comic Shocked Me-No, Really

Every now again in my journeys through this vast wasteland called the Internet, I find something that shocks, even disturbs me. Case in point:


Anyway, I was going through my rounds the other day, and was directed to a very bizarre comic by Major Spoilers. Very bizarre.

Behold the madness.

I don't know the exact context of this comic, but I do know that it was published in India. That much is pretty clear. Beyond that is anyone's guess, as the person who posted this stuff doesn't have any commentary or even a link to it on his front page. Anyway, I would do some really in-depth commentary, but don't have time at the moment. (College is back in.) So, instead, I'll point out a few of the hilarious things about this. (And yes, this is just a few.)
  1. Batman talks kinda like a lolcat.
  2. Superman is so dumb, he tells the immortal alien magician who just fell from the sky in a diamond everything he knows about Earth's great heroes.
  3. Spiderman (WHAT IS HE DOING IN THE SAME COMIC AS SUPERMAN AND BATMAN) is in Paris, France, disarming a bomb on the Eiffel tower. (Also, he is the MIGHTIEST.)
  4. Spiderman was stung by a spider.
  5. Shakoora, the evil immortal alien magician, defeats these guys with ease, and then goes to fight some guy that American comic readers have never heard of. (Though Superman knew about him, of course.)
  6. Nagraj, India's home-grown hero, is a sexist pig. ("I don't like this dress, Nagraj." "Shuddup, you'll get used to it." That is nearly an exact quote.)
  7. When Shakoora proves to be too much for Nagraj, he prays to his god to come help him.
  8. Nagraj's god comes and helps him.
  9. Nagraj's god looks like he's supposed to be the Judeo-Christian God, but clearly isn't.
  10. When Nagraj's god totally owns the heck out of Shakoora, Shakoora, in a desperate, last-ditch measure, turns Nagraj's buddy into a mustachio'd evil giant.
  11. Superman is helpless against the giant, who "made him flew."
  12. Batman and Spiderman use "spider webs and rope webs" (I am not making this up) to no better success than Superman.
  13. Superman grabs a giant knife and cuts the giant's cheek.
  14. Spiderman takes the bomb he was "disarming" earlier and sets it off in the giant's face.
  15. Nagraj, Mr. Much-Tougher-Than-Your-Heroes, leaps up on the giant and BITES HIM.
  16. Since his teeth aren't tough enough to defeat the giant through his invulnerable giant skin, he magically summons snakes from his fingers, which go down the giant's throat and kill him.
  17. That giant totally used to be Nagraj's buddy, who saved his life like five minutes ago.
  18. The snakes come back out and go back into Nagraj's fingers.
  19. The heroes all laugh, and totally aren't broken up by the fact that Nagraj just killed his buddy.
  20. Nagraj's god is RIGHT THERE and he does nothing to help Nagraj's dead buddy.

Seriously, what a heck?!

Also, yay me-I set a personal bullet point record.

This makes me wonder about other Indian comics. What other cases of licensing gone horribly wrong are out there?

1 comment:

Golden Dragon Girl said...

And Superman called Nagraj "Nagraj Dear." Which quite frankly is creepy. XD