Friday, August 20, 2010

Weird Movers

(Whoops, totally didn't notice that my 600th post was yesterday. I knew it was coming up, but then I wasn't paying attention for a bit... Also, no post at the other blog. I did some heavy lifting today, and I'm too tired to come up with something...)

I was bumming around the ol' internets, and found this video of some of Theo Jansen's "kinematic sculptures."

I might have heard of these before, but I don't think I've ever seen them... that I remember. (If I'd been blogging at the time, I'd have talked about it, I'm sure, but if I had heard of them previously, it'd probably have been before I was blogging.

They're pretty cool, particularly because they're powered by wind and nothing else.

And they're cool enough that somebody was inspired to pay homage in the form of digital animation...

I like 'em. Sure, they're pointless beyond being rather weird works of art, but since when have I ever expressed strong fondness for the practical?

-Signing off.

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