Friday, July 3, 2009

Theme Weeks

I've actually got a certain amount of content planned out at this point, but little of it is usable today.

What, exactly, do I mean?

I currently have two theme weeks (something I've only done once) planned out to a workable degree. Having no particular plans for when to do them, I'm probably going to do them over the next two weeks.

This kind of ties up my current plans for blogging content. And YouTube isn't working right now, so random video embeds are out.

But rest assured, ATT fans (all 4.7 of you), you'll get solid content for two weeks, give or take fifteen minutes. Lots of book reviews, actually (I've been going through a stack).

Also, stupid post scheduler still is not working. Was there an announcement that I missed or something? For crying out loud.

-Signing off.

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