Monday, July 20, 2009

Cheap Movie Fourpack...

...which is completely different from the one that spurred some reviews and commentary on some old, mostly-public domain sci-fi movies.

The movies came in a box with this cover.

When I peeled the plastic seal off the box, I discovered that only one of the two inner DVD cases had its own plastic wrap on it (which was sticky and wouldn't come completely off). The other had nothing.

Nothing says "quality control" like inconsistent packaging, eh?

When I took them out, I noticed a couple of things. Check out these covers.

Notice anything?

Here's a couple of more selective comparisons in case you missed it.


Something else that's funny-all but one of the movies have actors whose names I recognize primarily because they've done Transformers voice acting. No joke. (Here, here, and here.)

I haven't even watched any of these yet, and I've already gotten a few bucks' worth of entertainment. Awesome.

-Signing off.

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