Thursday, May 22, 2008

Character Distillation: Juggernaut

Juggernaut, like Meggan, is pretty simple to distill into his most basic and fundamental characteristics. In fact, he's really somewhat easier:
  1. Juggernaut does not yield on any physical field.
  2. Cain Marko has never had a functional relationship in his life.

It can be speculated that the two factors are related.

In terms of physical power, Juggernaut has few equals, and only one enemy he's ever fought has anything like a greater level of power-the Hulk, who is generally depicted as perhaps the physically strongest character in Marvel Comics. But even the Hulk isn't able to defeat Juggernaut outright-it usually takes a cosmic force of some kind to do that. (Okay, probably that last one only applied in the X-Men cartoon. I don't know.) Juggernaut's unyielding nature manifests itself in two different ways: enormous momentum and inertia, and total unbreakability. When the Juggernaut starts running, it's really hard to stop him. And pretty much nothing, from the hammer of Thor to being buried alive in solid concrete or under thousands of tons of rubble, can hurt him. On those very rare occasions when he has actually been physically hurt while at full power (note that for a while he had lost most of these powers, simply retaining some lesser degree of superhuman durability and strength), he regenerates instantly (even from total vaporization), and he does not need food, water, or air. The only ways to stop him are to reason with him, yank off his helmet and fry his mind, or send him to another dimension. (Or be a cosmic force. That works too.)

The dysfunctional relationships that Juggernaut has suffered through are numerous:

  • His father beat him, and liked his stepbrother better.
  • His stepbrother upstaged him (by using telepathy to cheat at schoolwork, no less), and as Onslaught punched him into another state, then punched a hole into his chest to reach the internalized crystal that gives Juggernaut his powers to banish him into it (being banished into his own power source is a frequent mishap for Juggernaut).
  • He was banished to a dimension called Oblivion so often that this dimension, tired of him, actually banished him back. No, not the inhabitants-the dimension itself.
  • His best friend, Black Tom, killed another of the Juggernaut's few friends. He also didn't appreciate Juggernaut's birthday presents.
  • That friend that Black Tom killed declared that he hated Juggernaut with his last breath. OUCH.
  • Some lady was only after his body-in this case, his life force.
  • Cyttorak, the godlike being who granted Juggernaut his powers, would rather have had his stepbrother as Juggernaut. Later, he took Juggernaut's powers away from him, and later still, told him he had to ditch his friends and be an evil loner again if he wanted them back.
  • When he found himself trapped in the Ultraverse after Marvel acquired the property, he made some friends-but one of them, also from the MarvelU, banished them back to the limbo he'd previously been banished to because he wanted to stay in the Ultraverse instead. (It's a somewhat long story.)
  • A demoness named Spite used the heck out of him. (I don't have any other information on Spite, sadly.)
  • He was captured and put on trial for not following the rules of a contest he didn't even know he was part of. (Really, this is another sign of his stinky relationship with Cyttorak, but whatever.)
  • He was captured by Prosh (the Ship mentioned in an earlier link) to "battle a threat to humanity" which turned out to be Prosh itself. This event forced him to confront just how stupid his life had been, as Prosh showed him just how much of his time had been spent buried under stuff. (No kidding.)

And now I feel sorry for Cain Marko and think Professor X is a total jerk.

Is it any wonder this guy is so nuts?

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