It's a clever little game that, while a simple platformer at a glance, messes with how you have to perceive the world, in a similar yet distinct fashion from Enough Plumbers. (It also has minor points in common with Eversion.)
Whereas Enough Plumbers forces you (especially in its harder levels) to think about coordinating the movements of multiple individuals with the same controls, though, Hello Worlds! forces you to think about how to move one guy through multiple worlds simultaneously.
You might be saying "say what now?"
Well, take a look at this level. You might begin to get the idea.

Here's the trick: Your little guy (which is a gray... bug thing... with three legs) interacts with each object in each environment (which there can be as many as four of at one time) as if each of those environments were overlaying each other.
Which you can see in-game with the "combo" button:

Or in other cases, too silly.

-Signing off.
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