5. The Eyrie Building. Not many cartoon villains have plausible headquarters that are also cool, but this one's not too much of a stretch. A medieval castle that an eccentric industrialist put on top of a skyscraper is about as cool as semi-plausible buildings can get.
4. The Decepticon undersea headquarters. Helping establish a long tradition of Transformers using crashed spaceships as bases, this one was mostly interesting because they had an impossibly tall elevator that could reach the surface coming out of it...
3. The Technodrome. I'm not a huge fan of the original Ninja Turtles cartoon, but even with the big stupid eyeball, the Technodrome was pretty cool.
I mean, come on, it could move around underground. That was awesome.
2. The giant flying Cobra city.
Don't have any idea what I'm talking about?
I'm pretty sure it never showed up in the cartoon itself...

1. Snake Mountain. I'll admit, I'm kind of a helpless fan of the old He-Man cartoon. Its backgrounds especially are just artistic joy. Snake Mountain, Skeletor's crib, is particularly nice.

And yes, I realize I just ranked a silly fat tank with an eyeball on it higher than a cool skyscraper and a giant spaceship wreck sitting underwater, yet lower than a flying city with a snake face and a mountain with a snake wrapped around it. I told you, arbitrary.
-Signing off.
1 comment:
I agree with four things on this list. I'd have put the Eyrie Building as #1, Decepticon Headquarters as #2, Snake Mountain as #3, and the Tecnodrome as #4 or 5. I'm not familiar with G.I. Joe. I think I'd have included Magika de Spell's island (from Duck Tales) or maybe Dimension X from Conan the Adventurer, home of Set the Snake Demon.
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