So, yesterday I was looking at the local paper's funnies/entertainment section, and flipped to the back, finding this:

You're probably thinking "That's just Lex Luthor with some unusually colored glowing rocks."
Well, you may well be right, I don't watch Smallville.
But unless I've unexpectedly gone colorblind, that is no ordinary set of glowing rocks. It looks to me like Lex Luthor's found some pink kryptonite. (In order to see what I'm talking about on the link, scroll up a little bit. Or just keep reading.)
Quoted from Wikipedia:
Pink Kryptonite
From Supergirl (vol. 2) #79, an
alternate timeline in a 2003 Supergirl storyline by Peter David, this bizarre
variety of Kryptonite apparently turned heterosexual Kryptonians temporarily and
stereotypically gay; it was seen in just one panel, with Superman giving
flattering compliments to Jimmy Olsen about his wardrobe and decorative sense.
It spoofs the more "innocent times" of the Silver Age (Lois Lane is depicted in
this story as not understanding what's gotten into
So apparently Lex Luthor's goal is to turn Superman gay.
You know, lots of people have made much ado about Lex Luthor's initials, and there have also been comments about Luthor's and Superman's relationship, but I'm going to try to avoid any more commentary. I think this speaks for itself.
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